Plantar heel pain encompasses all musculoskeletal conditions that cause pain to the bottom of your foot and heel.
One of the most common causes of plantar heel pain is plantar fasciitis.
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Forefoot Pain
Forefoot pain applies to anywhere from and around the ball of the foot extending to your toes. The pain may also be present on the top of your foot or around the sides of the forefoot.
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Ankle Pain
Ankle pain refers to any type of pain around the ankle, including the back of the leg where the Achilles tendon runs into the heel bone.
Often pain here results from rolling or spraining your ankle.
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Shin Splints
“Shin splints” (known as Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome) is an inflammation of the muscles, tendons and bone tissues around your tibia (shin) bone which is usually caused by overuse of repetitive stress.
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Knee pain
Knee pain is a common condition that results from an overuse injury, sudden
trauma or an underlying medical condition such as arthritis.
Depending on the cause of the problem, location and severity of knee pain may vary..
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aches & pains
Many forms of arthritis manifest in the feet and lower limb and can cause your foot shape and function to change.
We will work alongside you to reduce your pain, improve your function
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Ingrown toenails
Nail & Skin
Whether you have hard or cracked skin, problematic toenails, or simply have difficulty reaching your feet, we can help.
Corns, verrucae's & ingrown toe nails are all covered here,